3 Crested Grebe Chicks
These chicks were carefully tended by both parents, each offering food or a small feather. I was told no one knows why but Grebe are probably the only bird to offer feathers to their chicks. However we saw the feather offering quite a few times.
A beautiful caring joint effort.
This couple have three chicks, while another couple had two chicks. I got quite a few good photos of both of them. One of the 3 chicks had a distinctive red heart shape mark on its forehead ( fontanelle position) and another had a fainter similar red mark in the same position. Not sure what.
Close up of both red marks.
Did you know the latin for these birds means something like ass ended bird because their legs are attached so far back - their closest relative is the penguin. They also have legs very near the tail.
Feather offering is done by both parents.
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