
The parrots, lorikeets, and rosellas visited the Tsuken deck this morning. I had a bad time with the focus and had to junk a number of attempts. I have started a new category in blipfolio and put there a Rosella, and a female King Parrot.

Before breakfast Tsuken and I took a short run through some of the nearby bush; I had hoped for more birds, and although some were heard, my location device was inadequate for the task.

Then Tsuken, Mrs T, S and I went to the Wentworth Falls park and walked in the bush. Down hundreds of steps, which meant coming back was up the same hundreds. More birds, including this one. It had been sitting in a tree, and i was called by S to come and take a photo. It then flew away. and I was unable to organise myself to get a photo.

A couple of minutes later, it cam and perched on a branch almost above me, and I was able to get this with the bright blue sky behind. Take a look at Tsuken's photo of the cockatoo, about to land in the tree it was perched in for me

More for the blipfolio from our time at Wentworth Falls:
A scrub wren (I think)
A pied currawong
An Australian magpie

And from yesterday:
A honeyeater
A rainbow lorikeet
A male king parrot
A kookaburra (Replaced with a better shot from today)

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