Spending Sunday on the street

Roedd stondin gyda ni yn yr Eglwys Newydd am y digwyddiad Golau Nadolig. Roedd e'n dawel pan ro'n ni gosod ein stondin, ac yna pan aeth yr haul i lawr ro'n ni'n amgylchu gyda sŵn a goleuadau a thorfeydd. Ro'n ni yna i ddweud wrth bobl am y canolfan Bwdist. Roedd miloedd o bobl yna ac roedd nifer of bobl oedd diddordeb mewn ioga a myfyrdod. Dyn ni'n gobeithio i weld nhw yn y Ganolfan yn y dyfodol.

We had a stand with at the Whitchurch Christmas Lights event. It was quiet when we set out our stall, and then when the sun went down we were surrounded with noise and lights and crowds. We were there to tell people about the Buddhist centre. There were thousands of people there and the number of people interested in yoga and meditation. We hope to see them in the Centre in the future

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