Moo Hoo to You Too

These guys are way bigger than me so I Barked…
On advice from The Boss I didn’t do it again.
Lunch break entertainment for the walking group on the RailTrail at Alexandria today after our proposed walk was changed because of an Aerial spraying plan.
You win some and you lose some.
Coffee was replaced with the biggest ice creams (3 scoops) that The Boss had ever seen at $1.80 each. I got a lovely big drink from the bottle in Suzz. (free)
Grrreat news article in a NZ paper tonight explaining that the sound in the movie “Interstellar” was meant to be inaudible. (An Art thing, apparently space ships are very noisy.)
The Boss has cancelled his hearing appointment.
Spare a thought for The Bossess who has been sitting on a plane at Queenstown airport for 2 hours while they figure out if a bit that fell off the tail is important or not. The row in front has a toddler on Moms lap who is NOT amused.
I think I will hop in my bed about now

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