
By disdatdudda

i used 2...play the piano


"When she started to play, Steinway came down personally and rubbed his name off the piano."
Bob Hope

(wanted to be like Gene Harris so...)

"One man gets nothing but discord out of a piano; another gets harmony. No one claims the piano is at fault. Life is about the same. The discord is there, and the harmony is there. Study to play it correctly, and it will give forth the beauty; play it falsely, and it will give forth the ugliness. Life is not at fault."

(decided to take blues piano lessons but...i realized that my blues were more like polkas!! "haven't suffered enough to play the blues" - i said to my teacher - "so i quit")

"The typewriting machine, when played with expression, is no more annoying than the piano when played by a sister or near relation."
Oscar Wilde

"The piano has been drinking, not me." Tom Waits

so..."Life is like a piano... what you get out of it depends on how you play it." then...?

(will tidy up this writing later; must go to work! bu i want to say THANK U for all the wonderful comments yesterday i'm chuffed more later... )

how i've changed #2

and now...?

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