Lovely day...
Very comfy bed, excellent breakfast and then a walk along 'Lady Mary's Walk' near Crieff which went along a river and through a long avenue of trees with a carpet of golden leaves. Very beautiful and much better weather than we expected. Then drove along Loch Earn where we saw this chap standing in the explanation nearby!
On round Loch Tay and saw the Fortingall yew (5000 yr old tree in grounds of the church) then coffee and cake in Aberfeldy before driving home. We stopped for dinner at Scran and Scallie (tasty!) then straight onto the Dominion to see the film Mr Turner. Very beautiful to watch and good acting, but very long and we agreed neither of us really felt we'd been made to care about the characters. Enjoyable though.
All in all a very relaxing weekend. Now for mayhem again!
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