
By Jillybean

Permanent Marker

He see's everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
But I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine.
And I can tell you his favorite colors green
He likes to argue.
Oh and it kills me..

Oh mondays! Actually woke up on time for school today. Which was a good thing. I was tired all day but thats aight.

Spring Track started today. It was a longgg practice and a tiring one. But not too tough. Had a very enjoyable time with my new Hurdler group. Should be a promising season! (STINE I DIDNT SLACK AT ALLLLLLL. NOT ONE BIT)

Went night driving today for a while. Did a lovely job. Took this before I left. The stars looked really pretty tn but you can only kinda see two here. Sry for the dullness I'm really exhausted from track and from being up til 1:30. Will do better tomorrow!

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
-Albert Einstein

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