Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Early Morning Dew

Went out for breakfast this morning, and while driving back my water light came on and the temperature gauge rocketed.
Great, now I have to get the car to the garage. I don't need this.

A visit from a psych nurse this afternoon , talked about ECT amongst other things. Got quite emotional. I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up from it soon.

An early dinner out with Steven, Kelly, Lewis and Mum. Lewis was a star , eating various things from our plates and being very happily vocal , much to S and K's embarrassment :)

Tomorrow I have to phone the treatment centre to see if I can get an ecg. I have just these two things to do tomorrow and I am stressed about it and don't know what to do first.

After tomorrow it is just a case of waiting for the hospital to have a slot. Eeeek!

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