Deer Season?
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I missed a call from my Daughter this afternoon. She didn't leave a message so I texted to see what was up. The reply; "There's a dead deer in our yard." This buck was apparently hit by a car a made his way to our house before he couldn't go on any more.
It was a good sized deer with a rack of six points. Most hunters would be happy to bag a trophy like this. It was one thing I really didn't want to deal with but I made some inquiries to my hunter friends. I got an offer from one to come and field dress it, but my family freaked out. To a one, all three said there was no way they wanted the meat. And, my friend was heading to deer camp soon, and didn't want the animal either. I had even called the police and gotten a permit for the animal. So, no venison for us. I called the city and they came and removed the carcass in the morning. All I got was a few pics and a good story.
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