I Love Cooking.

Just when I was starting to wonder why we had spent nearly 3 grand buying and installing a new oven because everything I cooked was horrible, I finally made something that was actually damn bloody lovely. 2 things in fact..... In one day! Last night's Pineapple Upside down cake was delish!

So I'm going to cook again tonight. Iv decided to always try and prepare Mondays meal in advance as I tend to have a very long 10 hour day on a Monday and come home very hungry and very crabby. At least this way I can leave someone instructions on how to turn on the oven and place lasagne in oven! Jobs a gooden!

And iv spend a fortune on fancy cake making 'stuff'!

Right. I'm off to make a Roast Dinner for tonight and a lasagne for tomorrow. I'm going to trick everyone and make the lasagne with soya mince. See if they notice!!!!!

xXx ♡ xXx

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