Happy Birthday Valerie......xxx xxx!

Saturday morning saw a little lie in before having to go to school for my slot at the Christmas Market. Once there, it was great and the PTA have done a marvellous job and deserve all the praise they get for putting on an event like this. Incredible event management and logistics skills needed. I shall certainly be sending my praise and thanks.

Home very briefly before meeting two of my sisters, Brenda and Valerie, at Hayes Station to meet Marion at Fortnum & Mason where we had a table booked for Afternoon Tea to set off Valerie's birthday celebrations. Not the actual thing for a few weeks but she is up from Yeovil for a few days and we don't need much encouraging to get together

After a lovely , unhurried tea, we browsed all four floors of the store, so beautifully dressed for Christmas. What money can buy! That was followed by a wander down Regent's Street and then a glass of wine in Carnaby Street, and after a while a coffee. Ladies that we are!! Well, I try to be...

A very happy time together. Tomorrow she travels back home. Already missing her and looking forward to the next time....

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