Another dark damp day but I did make the effort to go out. I walked down to the village to get my repeat prescription and collect an online order from Tesco. I bought a carpet runner for my hall. It cost £10 but I had a Clubcard voucher for £5 which I " boosted " online to £10 so in the end I paid nothing. Nice to get something for free.
Lily has been a bit more her normal self today. Main problem has been Tino. He is always rather rough with little Lily. Usually she holds her own and gives as good as she gets but she is still a bit upset after her visit to the vet and she can't be bothered with him. I have played referee a few times today.
The Forum Challenge today is Saturday Senses. I chose taste. Look at this tasty confectionery. Its not mine though - its Neil's. Last time he was here he asked me not to buy him any more sweets or chocolate as he was trying to lose weight. Not that he needs to really but I think he wants to be a bit leaner so he can run faster. So once he has eaten this lot that's it. Not sure he will keep up his good intentions as he loves sweet things - especially chocolate - and with Christmas coming up he might find it difficult to resist.
Steps today - 7,439
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