First cinema trip!
With a boy who can't sit still for more than 30 seconds, it was a bit of a gamble! But ZQ was desperate to see Nativity 3, Dude, where's my donkey? and desperate to take his brother. After remortgaging the house so that we could afford a family ticket to Cineworld, we took our place in a packed 'screen 4' - three rows from the front! Noo seemed instantly at home and unperturbed by the noise. When the trailers had finished he asked to go home, but with a bit of encouragement and popcorn he managed to sit through the entire film!!!! He did change seats a few times, but who cares.....
They are silly and cheesy, but I do love these movies!! They make me laugh out loud and have me in tears for all sorts of reasons. ZQ will be talking about it until they bring out another, and Noo came home asking to watch Shrek because that had a donkey in it too...
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