Hiding in Plain Sight

This little bird is a Wilson's Snipe. There were 6 or 7 of them enjoying what is left of the Water Retention Pond across from the Home Depot here in Gainesville. As soon as I walked up with my camera, all of the rest quickly hid in the reeds and grasses. This one decided to continue using her long bill to sift through the mud in search of lunch, all the while keeping a sharp eye on me.

My field guide informs me that this is one of the few shorebirds that can be legally hunted. It is adept at hiding in ground cover, "flushes abruptly", and "zigzags sharply in flight" all of which makes it challenging to shoot and therefore a favorite with hunters.

Here are a few other photos of it on Flickr...SNIPE. A juvenile Ibis being 'raised' by ducks...IBIS. And a Great Egret about to dine on one hapless frog. Yummm!

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