Navel gazing

This week I have felt increasingly exhausted and tearful. I have several theories why this might be the majority related to my bloody leg and the fact I think I am capable of far, far more than actually am. Things that are seemingly beyond me include taking Will to school and going to Lidls both in the same day. It has all got kind of on top of me so I did not work at all today (beyond a semi-tearful phone call to the lovely boss). Instead I had a nice sit down, a long bath, ate pie and cake with Benelia and had a good long chat with my physiotherapist, all things that have made me feel a lot better.

So obviously I am doing "too much". A really annoying phrase that doesn't give enough information or guidance about what "much" might be. The physio and I did agree that going for a swim would be an excellent and good thing to do. "But no swimming loads of lengths, just some gentle walking and bobbing about" she said. Which was just as well because obvs I was planning lengths. Instead, this is just the type of thing I end up doing when I go swimming with Will so that's two birds with one stone.

Benelia pointed out I had just moved along Maslow's hierarchy. As ever, she is quite right, I had just forgotten. And looking at that photo again makes me feel sick.

And (hurray) something nothing to do with my self obsessive ramblings, Will had Chicken Korma for lunch at school this week and declared it delicious. I have recreated it this evening for our dinner. Happily, my dish was "the same" as the one at school. So, delicious then. I am quite proud I have managed to match the taste and quality of the company who serve all West Sussex school children their lunch.

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