
Some Friday randomness (or random Fridayness) without a camera.

I received an email from Dr Turing's Love Letter Generator, part of the Everything Everything chaotic thingy at the Central Library I mentioned yesterday. Based on an original idea by Alan Turing and implemented by Christopher Strachey in the 1950s, the Love Letter Generator will send a randomly written love letter by email to any recipient you specify. So here's some more randomness:

Soon I will stir your scent and we will compute together as one. Shake my hand technically and I will torment your hair hungrily forever. You make each enthralling bird of paradise allow like wisdom. Even the funniest calmness could not kiss my hug so! Send hotly, my profound enthusiasm, in the name of generosity. My Hello-Kitten, you are the least unappealing cosmos. The most charming moonbeam. My alluring Omnishambles. To me, you are more decadent than one million moonbeams, even more impassioned than the snuggliest ribbon.

I like being a Hello-Kitten and a charming moonbeam, but fear I am closer to an omnishambles.

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