
By Kackers

Whoops! Not so practical purchase!

Now is the not so grown up purchase for the new house.

However, I can justify it. The house will be cold, I will need to keep warm, this will make me dance, dancing will keep me warm.

The fact that I got it for a next to nothing price and it is actually going to be a "spare" unit is beside the point really.

I had to buy it, no really I did. Apple are no longer making the classic and this bad boy came up for sale, all 160gb of it, for a silly price and I felt obliged to buy it.

It is likely to be my last “treat” purchase for the next 6 months so I had to make it count and be a good item!!!

Last night I spent 2 hours reading letters, checking forms, signing my life away and sorting stuff out for photocopying.

I then wrote out yet another cheque and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Hopefully that will be it for a while whilst things start to move behind the scenes.

Saturday marks a big day for me, I start to sort and pack. More importantly, I start to write lists.

I love a good list. I love a bad list. I just love lists.

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