About right.

Had the day off today. Bliss.
Left Mr W sleeping after his night shift and went swimming. Good to get back into it.
Then spent the afternoon quietly pottering in the kitchen, waiting for Mr W to wake up before turning on my noisy kitchen gadgets. With a shepherds pie started and a spiced apple cake ingredients in the mixer ready to mix, Mr W got up then announced he wanted some 'Quality time' together and wanted to take me shopping and buy me coffee and cake. So off to Creepy Crawley we toddled thinking I could fit in the rest of the baking when we got back.
After some romantic time sat (alone!) waiting in the car while Mr W called into BMW to get a head lamp fixed, we had an eventful shopping trip which involved buying the grand total of one C Word present and running like little children up a down escalator ( Mr W made it to the top.....I stayed in the same spot before admitting defeat!) we came home.
Mr W then parked himself in front of the TV. I on the other hand had melt down in the kitchen trying to cook a million things at once on a cooker I still don't really know how to work only to find I had misread the cooking instructions for the Shepherds Pie (some fancy Jamie Oliver recipe that involves breadcrumbs and celery) and mossed the bit that said bake for an hour and 10 minutes! I don't even eat meat!!!!
Had to rethink tonight's dinner. Meanwhile the apple cake went a bit black!
Once I finally sat down for a quick cuddle, Come Dine with Me with the Made in Chelsea crew came on and this quote from the oh so wonderful Mark Francis.
Felt it was quite apt and made Mr W laugh!

Not the best blip but very appropriate for the afternoons kitchen malfunctions I have had.

That's 2 nights in a row I have been chained to the kitchen. Think I'm going to send the oven back. It doesn't make nice cakes.....yet!

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