More student flats
It seems that the whole of Bristol is being turned into student flats.
Some sites have been refurbishments of derelict building (most spectacularly the RC Pro Cathedral - the cathedral that never was), and others have seen the existing site cleared first.
This one though annoys me.
What you are looking at is a view from Trenchard street car park, of what used to be the Bristol Ice Rink.
It was bad enough that they closed the ice rink which had a great cite centre location; but the worst thing is there is no replacement.
Shame on you Bristol City Council for allowing this to happen.
I had the IXUS on 'creative mode' and I like this miniature shot.
So why were we in the city centre on a school morning? C had whacked himself in the eye last night with some lego, and it looked so bad this morning that I took him to the Bristol Eye Hospital.
Turns out he has a scratch on it, and has drops for the next 5 days.
He was really brave in the hospital, and I don't think there's going to be any lasting damage.
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