This Is Not A Dream

By Breeanna

~61~ Snow!

It's amazing that I can see the ocean from my living and only drive an hour to get to the snow. That's the great thing about San Diego.

It was so fun to see Evie playing in the snow. She really liked it. There was a lot more snow then they were expecting.

On our drive up, there was a truck off an embankment being pulled out by 2 tow trucks. And while we were stopped there, the truck in front of us kept spinning sideways because he only had 2-wheel drive. The firemen had to help him turn around. I took pictures of all that, but this one is the prettiest :)

Evie and I might end up being on the evening news (channel 8 for those in SD) because they were filming us playing. They even asked the husband if he wanted to do an interview, but he didn't want to.

Now it's homework time!

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