'EnRoute to Picnic Bay'


After breakfast we packed a daypack with lunch and bottles of water and headed off to the Squeaky Beach Carpark where we went on a couple of Kilometre hike to Picnic Bay along the coastline. The weather was perfect for walking, not too hot and plenty of shady parts along the walk. We arrived at Picnic Bay and were the only people on the entire beach which probably stretched for 500 or 600 metres. Sat on the rocks and ate our sandwiches while the seagulls circled looking for any scraps.

After lunch we walked along the sand to the other end of the beach and fossicked around the rocks for a while before heading back along the walk to the car.

The afternoon was spent down at the fishing piers and Dylan has his new rod to try out. It didn't take too long before we started to pull in the fish. We caught around ten fish that day, but released them all as we weren't sure whether or not they were of legal size to keep. We caught Silver Trevally, Yellow eyed Mullett and Bream. Dylan was absolutely over the moon to finally catch his own fish, but Bella was the first one to catch anything on her hand reel.

After a few hours of fishing we walked back to camp encountering a few wombats along the way.

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