
By WeeDragon_J

Lights on The Botanics

Soup at RB's then we went to the Lights Night at The Botanics. Enjoyed it, but ran out of time, and sadly was chivied around then end, no even any time for the hot drinks, sorry RB I do dilly-dally too much.

I'm glad they changed the rules so that could bring tripods, but there were many togs to be chased around tonight, so I think I felt harassed and did others and a little paranoid any time someone came up behind me, in case to move on. And I'm one of these people that stands back then takes pics when space. And a lot of the time it was guess hope for settings.

There just wasn't enough time to get around everything, without being in others way and to take time to set up. So if you're on the last slot at night, be aware that time is short even when half round.

I would have considered to go again but it's a lot for a ticket when actually you have less than an hour if including a cuppa. Other than that it was fine. Sorry I know I sound I'm moaning, but I am, coz I felt rushed!

I remember seeing Faskally Woods, Pitlochry, lit up many years ago, so idea isn't new but interesting when it's a place you only normally see in daylight.

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