
Oh, the joys, the joys of house repairs. To be fair to the two plumbers who came to sort out Our Problems they seemed like decent guys, but we've now got the remnants of a shower room, a shower frame in bits propped up in our bedroom, a pile of damp wood propped up elsewhere and a few manky bits and bobs strewn about the place. But at least they found the blockage. And at least they found why the woman downstairs got flooded out every time we washed a bloody teacup. And all because the bloke who owned the flat before us either a) fitted and installed a shower with no plumbing credentials whatsoever, or, b) got one of his cowboy mates to do it for him. Who'd a thunk it?


That mister prime gave you the opening track of a new compilation on his blip today, I'm going to give you the closing.

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