Spot the coach

Busy football day today. Up early get everything ready for our first league game. Eco mum took juno out for a walk so that helped.

Picked up a couple of the players and off we went to play Musselburgh Windsor. Tried to get the girls organised and ready for the game. Started well taking a 1 goal lead then this was quickly equalised. Quite a tense game and it seemed to getting to our girls, we took a 2-1 lead from a corner. Halftime we were luckily in the lead, under a lot of pressure and the Home team equalised and pressing and pressing they managed to get the winner. we lost 3-2. Well done Lee and Suzanne(Musselburgh coaches), great team performance.

Eco daughter and my fellow coach's daughter ran them selves into the ground and played well.

Back home and we dismantled Eco daughter's bed as our friend's son fancied a high bed. Took it to the house but did not quite fit, looks like his daughter may get it. Will let him deal with that one.

Quiet evening, making raspberry jam. eco daughter is shattered and has her doggie pal lying on her matress on the floor. Need to design the new bedroom this week.

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