Capital adventures

By marchmont


Another busy day with meetings and conversations and even phone calls! I still have a pile of things to do and the piece of string is beginning to run out.

After work it was up to the NLS for Nigel Planer's 'Inspirations'. It was very good. He was erudite and funny and very, very interesting. I'm almost inspired to read some more RLS.

Meant I was late for choir but I'm glad I went to both. Singing is still a bit of a challenge but I'm getting there.

I had a late night last night, bolstering #2 son. He has so much staked on R. I hope it works for his sake.

And he is also very, very good to me. He managed to get me pre release tickets for Fleetwood Mac at the Hydro nextcJune. Happy, happy bunny, that's me.

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