This mountain is certainly bigger than a molehill!

A very early start today ... left the house, in the dark, just before 7am to pick up L and then head off to the bus station. We were travelling up to Aberdeen by the Gold Coach - scones, tea, coffee, shortbread, water all on offer for NO charge! The weather was awful .... very wet and very grey and it was just the same in Aberdeen. The highlight was our niece H's radiant smile when we arrived. H took us round to see her flat then we did some Christmas shopping before having lunch in a place called Giraffe!
This amazing set of stairs and encouragging slogans is in the entrance to the Trinity shopping mall. We never do things the right way and we walked down the mountain and read the slogans in reverse order.
The journey home was also in wet, dark conditions .... I feel as if I haven't seen any daylight at all today.

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