
By RobinBanneville

Back To The Sun

I got wet again this morning ... but this time I was walking into work at 06:45 ... Pouring down, it was ... Not for my whole journey of course ... oh no, it stopped raining about 5 seconds before I got there ... :o(
If one person had asked on my arrival, "Is it raining outside..?", then I swear I would not have been responsible for my actions ...
Luckily there was nobody there yet ... All the other drivers had loaded up and gone already, whereas the laundry staff don't start until 08:00 (and to capture any sign of the office staff before 08:59 is unheard of) ... :o|
It was no good starting off on my round until at least 07:30, because I would have been too early for a couple of the calls ...
So I wandered around the laundry - cold, damp and lonely - (actually I went to the loo, but to go into the details of that would be a bit too much information) ...
Anyway, I sorted out a few things that I would be needing for my round, and set off to get the van ...
As I stepped outside I saw this (see the picture above) ...
There was little, if any, sign of the sun to the east, but this was the effect it had on the clouds to the west ...
So, with my back to the sun, here is this morning's sunrise ... :o)

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