'Killer collie' mode

Apparently I have been very irritating today…………………………

I went to work with Ann and I’ve been doing loads of unnecessary woofing. Obviously I do not think that my woofing has been unnecessary. When I am at STAR I see my job as guarding the office and not letting any undesirables in, and that means woofing.

When the postie came Ann had hold of my collar so that I couldn’t go into ‘killer collie’ mode. I was still able to do my most ferocious barking though. Ann said, ‘Molly, the postie is delivering our Christmas sweaters you’re just being stupid. The postie isn’t scared of you.’ …………….But the postie said that he was!!!!

Well, once I heard that, I thought I’d see how many other people I could scare off.

Every time someone came into the car park I went into ‘killer collie’ mode and did my most ferocious barking. The trouble was…………………. Hardly anybody came to see us today. Practically everyone who came into the car park went to the unit next door. And all my unnecessary woofing just irritated Ann.

In a way Ann is quite pleased that I’m such a good guard dog, because she feels safe when I’m around and she’s by herself. However, when I’m in ‘killer collie’ mode I’m supposed to stop barking when she says the word, ‘friend’. Unfortunately, even though I’m a very intelligent little collie, I’ve never quite mastered that command??!! And also, if anyone was brave enough to observe my behaviour when I am doing my most ferocious barking, they’d actually see that I’m backing away at the same time. But my most ferocious barking is usually enough to scare off anyone unless they’re proper dog lovers that understand me.

At 5pm we walked home and because I was still in ‘killer collie’ mode, I woofed at a couple of other dogs, for absolutely no reason other than I was feeling brave.

And once we got home I followed Ann upstairs, because really I’m quite an insecure little collie, who always likes to know where her owner is. I flopped down at the top of the stairs for a little snooze because being in ‘killer collie’ mode all day is very exhausting??!!

…………..And tomorrow Ann is only going to be working for a few hours so I can stay ‘home alone’ and have some much needed uninterrupted snooze time. Yay!

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