The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters


Another load of sleepers were delivered today meaning that the garden refurb is getting back on track. For a variety of reasons (costs), this is dragging on a bit but it looks as though it will be finished by the early part of December. In the meantime, I’ve had a bit of a success today in that I’ve managed to improve wifi access in the summer house, making it a much more useable space for working.

I’ve had Alex at home with me today as he was sick yesterday evening and, as responsible parents, we will keep him off school for 48 hours. He was very upset when he was sick as it is a rare occurrence but the main reason that he was upset was not about feeling horrible, it was the immediate realisation that we would keep him off school.

I didn’t do a narrative to yesterday’s blip but thought I’d share that I visited work yesterday to get the ball rolling to go back in a couple of weeks time. I have been off since before my holiday in the summer as that was followed immediately by my surgery and I’ve been in recovery mode ever since. However, now that my wound has finally healed up and I’ve been discharged from the surgeon’s clinic, the only thing that is holding me back from work is the need to build up my fitness and the fact that my insides play up at the drop of a hat. I’ve decided therefore that there’s not going to be a huge improvement if I don’t reintroduce work to the mix and, if that doesn’t work out as hoped, then at least I will have tried. If it’s going to be up to a year before my system settles down, that is a long time to wait in hope and it might not get significantly better. In the main, I don’t think it would be a problem to be back at work and I am certainly beginning to feel like a fraud being off sick.

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