Times Of My Life

By CarolB

My First SNP Meeting

My homework for the night - to try to type up my notes, taken at my first ever SNP branch meeting.

It was a lot more interesting than I had expected, and I was delighted to hear that I was one of 158 new members who joined our wee branch, increasing the numbers from 47 to 205! I came away with a good feeling; I'm part of something positive now.

For all the years I voted Labour, I never quite got round to joining the party, and now I'm glad because it saved me having to leave it. Instead, I have just walked in another direction.

Fracking? Benefit cuts? Bedroom Tax? Rapidly increased state pension age? Ukip? Upcoming General Election? Great promises? Slagging off the other parties? Pathetic weak leader. Achh! Enough already.

I'm sick that I couldn't get a ticket for the conference in Perth this weekend, but the few unallocated members tickets which were released on Monday morning at 10am were all sold out by 10.20am when I phoned - it was like T-in-the-Park!

Driving home in the dark on a wee twisty country road which was covered in wet leaves, and had a considerable drop down to a fast-flowing burn, was a bit nerve-wracking, but only took me ten minutes so not too bad.

I can't wait for the next one.

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