and like that...

"...AND THEN I pointed out how he was wrong, so we swapped seats and I ended up interviewing him. That was just before the Angel of the Lord descended from the skies and personally requested me to take over as I would obviously be much better at it, so then started explaining the intricacies of the work involved. Of course, such menial tasks would have bored me to tears within minutes, so I just said 'NO! I don't want to know! Spare me your tedious details!' Y'see, that's just what I don't need! Facts! Information! I'm above all that, especially now, with my official certificate of being above all worldly matters and the drudgery of reality! Gold-edged, it is, and laminated, so that all may know it and bow before me as its holder. So, as I was saying the other day to someone really important, though I was talking to them like all pally and that, as they're not more important than me, in fact I'm better than them, I was saying 'I'm above all that, in fact I ought to have a certificate to prove it' so they went straight off to design, print and present me with one, dropping whatever pointless thing it was they were otherwise about to do..."

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