
By 24heuer

broken speedo

The year is 1987 and I'm 20 years old, driving my red MGB back down south after a weekend @ home in Edinburgh.
I'm on the M1 nearing the aerials of Rugby radio when some lunatic in a big Rover overtakes and pulls into my lane right in front of me.
Just as I'm thinking 'who is this nutcase?' up pops a sign in his back window -
If my speedo had been working I'd have realised that I'd been bombing along @ 104mph.
I didn't even realise it could do 104!
Anyway, if Prince Charles hadn't just been let off with a warning for doing 100mph I might've got away with the same.
The papers however all thought it was a disgrace that he hadn't been fined or banned and I was summoned to appear in Daventry magistrates court, which btw was practically impossible to get to without wheels.
I also heard*, but I'm not sure if it's true, that Daventry is the furthest place from the sea in the UK!
So, back in court - I was made an example of and fined £500 - which if you think that's a lot of money today, was a heck of a lot of money in those days.
Apparently a broken speedometer doesn't count as mitigating circumstances.
Anyway, thanks for that your Royal Highness - you owe me!

Fast forward to today and this MG** parked up @ Newhailes brought back my speedy memories :-)

Disclaimer - I don't condone speeding. C'mon, I drive a 20 year old Land Rover for crying out loud! :-)

* the travelling salesman who I managed to persuade to give me a lift from the station to the court told me that fact.

** maybe a MGC going by the bonnet hump and teardrop(?)
ps. if it's your car, it's a cool motor :-)

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