Belated Birthday Celebrations

Day 314 of 365. It was belated birthday celebrations for my sister today. Her birthday was actually on the 5th but due to everybody's work commitments (including hers) we couldn't have a birthday meal until today. My aunt, uncle and cousins had arranged the meal at a lovely country house hotel - we had a three course lunch in a private room. The food (and wine) were superb and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Today's shot is of one of the table decorations!
On the way back to Kilmarnock we were in a convoy of three vehicles but somehow we all managed to go in different directions and lose each other. Remarkably we all ended up back at my aunt and uncle's house more or less at the same time albeit from three different directions!
The day ended with fireworks in the back garden - set off by my cousin Marco with his lighter in the pitch dark (this is definitely NOT advised!). Luckily, it all went off without a hitch but with a bang, a fizz and many pops. Tomorrow is the long journey home back to Kent.

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