We will remember them

Today mostly consisted of drinking coffee at Christine's - I called in for her to look at my furs after the school run. Coffee #1.

I scooted to Truro to the vintage shop and handed over the rest to them. They rejected one of my Grandpa's sheepskins but took the rest and will let me know how much later this week.

Onto Tesco to actually do a supermarket shop in the flesh rather online. I was at the checkout at 11am and observed the silence with the rest of the store. My checkout lady was noticeably moved - turns out her husband died during the Falklands War. I had no idea what to say so reeled out the usual platitudes but that didn't seem enough.

Back to Falmouth for a haircut and a post cut coffee at Christine's (coffee #2). Just as I was about to head home to revise, my boss turned up!!! I sent him along the road to sort out one of our customers but was told to wait for him to come back. So I did and enjoyed coffee #3!

Home long enough to unpack the shopping then out on the school run. As the sun was actually shining, u risked it and walked - much to Red's disgust!

Brownies tonight was a good one - a guest speaker to talk about why poppies (thank you MickeyJohnand another guest to show us how to make the poppies pictured.

Now to get those kids to bed and squeeze in some revision before tomorrow...

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