Not forgotten

November Theme Challenge Day 11: Tuesday Time – related to the past, present or future in any way

A wander up the hill this morning in blustery winds with threatening showers saw Talisker the Big actually manage to catch a rabbit. He was ridiculously proud of himself until Sigyn the Inquisitive stole the bunny. He looked remarkably crestfallen.
I scooted off to Stromness to look at a leak which turned out to be a hot water cylinder leaking from just about everywhere it is possible for one to leak. I zoomed into town to get a replacement, hoping to get home between my beautiful girl's shifts. Sadly the job took a lot longer than expected and I missed out on seeing her.
Job done, I stopped at the war memorial to take a few shots. The strong winds made it difficult to get a decent shot, but remembering those who fought and died for us in the past fits very well with the theme challenge for today.

We will remember them.

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