In My Magical World

By lemezma

For Your Informtion....

A classic tpyo (sic) for you all to enjoy ;-)

I was a big brave boy and took my Canon EOS 30D out of the bag for the first time since I bought it 2 years ago.

I got it for a fantastic price (£100) and it included some great lenses. But I was wholly daunted by it. I had been trying to get into photography and it was all too much. So I bought my Panasonic FZ18 which was far simpler.

However, I finally plucked up the courage and used it today.

Emzy and I took a long walk along the Medway (yes we walk on water) and I snapped away. You an see the results HERE .

One thing which caught my eye was this misspelled sign...

I hope you enjoy the other pictures too....

I am learning photography and I do believe I am making progress!

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