Auld Claes and Cauld Porritch

Well that's the hijinks over for another year, but it was great while it lasted.
I have managed to milk this birthday occasion for a whole fortnight ever since the combined celebration with daughter #1 at Stobo, but it's back to 'auld claes and cauld porritch' today ............ Except we have at least two thirds of the birthday cake still to eat and a box of speciality chocolates from Cocoa Mountain to consume.

Today seemed diminished and rather gloomy as I wound my way to my writing class, feeling just a tad hung over after the meal last night.
His Lordship was just grateful at being able to demit office from his role as Mine Host and Master of Ceremonies, and rest behind The Door for the morning.

I have blipped again the courtyard of Riddles court, which will soon be out of bounds as a 2 year building renovation takes place starting at the end of the year.

The plaque on the wall is of Sir Patrick Geddes FRSE, a Scottish 19th century town planner and sociologist who was the inspiration for the original refurbishment of Riddles Court.

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