Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

"Christmas" cactus

This plant was bought several years ago, as part of my daughter's bedroom Xmas decorations.  When she left home, she didn't take it with her.  It has since been largely neglected - getting just an occasional dousing with water when someone remembers.

As you can see, it is still wrapped in the original gold foil paper.  It is very dusty.  It sits on our bedroom window sill, in a rather grubby bowl, with a dead fly and a bit of gravel (don't ask why the stone is in the bowl, I have no idea) for company.

Each year, in a rather erratic way, it flowers, and this year is no exception.

I'm convinced that if we try to be nice to it, we will most likely kill it through overwatering, or something similar.

My daughter is now buying her own house, with her partner - perhaps she will reclaim this plant, along with all the other things that are currently "stored" here.

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