
By acr83

Having a chat

Today of all days when I was still sick and daddy had a rough day yesterday, Lincoln broke his streak of sleeping through the night (well, sort of). He woke up at 5am and needed a bottle. Luckily, after that he slept til 9 so we got a bit of a sleep in. Daddy stayed home with me to help out. While I was a lot better, I was still very tired and run down. The fever is finally gone after peaking at 40.5 last night.

We had a very lazy day until we had to pick up Lincoln's cousin from school. We got to school 9 minutes late after some shocking traffic. We raced to the classroom to find it locked and empty. So we wandered around the playground for a bit and couldn't find him anywhere. Eventually we bumped into his teacher and luckily I look so much like his mum that she knew who we were looking for. She said he was in the office. Finally we got there. It's amazing how quickly they'll give up hope of you arriving and close up the classroom.
So we got him home to his big sister (who is shown having a chat to Lincoln) and eventually made it home ourselves.

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