
By OnceUponIsland

Old Chinatown Reflected

Wolf head, tree surgeons, Fan Tan Alley. Today which is actually the 9th ( I got my 8th and 9th dates mixed up) is rich with blip fodder.

Urge to go to beautiful Chinatown and a favourite shop - The Fan Tan Gallery. Bri spotted a wolf head sculpture that looked like our dogs. We both fell in love with it. And we picked up a hard to find rug for my weird shaped living room. They let us take a few rugs home to try and they whipped out an old school hand yanked Chargex machine to use --- oh the memories.

I lugged rugs and Bri proudly carried the wolfhead treasure to car. Photographed cool shots of Fan Tan Alley, the Blue Bridge and harbour.

Even stopped and jumped out of car to snap cute guys high up in ancient Garry Oak performing very skilled and dangerous tree surgery. I asked their permission first ... Hey girlfriends call me - their photos are now in my private collection haha jk.

But blipped this gorgeous character filled old gas meter instead...it reflects how I feel about the loss of all the old authentic beauty being lost to incongruent building and the fast big bucks.

Phew! Ranted like a right auld codger.

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