Capital adventures

By marchmont

Indoor flower

There were many things I could have blipped today - the newly refurbished golden statue atop Old Quad, November sunshine, the 'Breaking the Barriers ' event at Teviot, sun kissed Salisbury Crags, but I managed none of this. A fact I realised when I finally got home after 8.30 and as I was closing the curtains blipped my new Christmas cactus. But for once I've done a little processing.

It was an early start. A dream about ringing bells turned into reality at 1.05 when #2 son came home, sans key. Then I woke properly just before 6 and did some work before work.

I did get out and about today, had two meetings and mislaid some paperwork. But most importantly of all I finished the thing that has been hanging over me since I got back from KL. Of course there are another 8 things at least in the pile but that's one box ticked.

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