
By TynvdB

Keeping your kite-moon sky-high

Amidst of the many things-to-do and other chores, I rushed to the beach in the beginning of the afternoon. It was already an hour after low tide. And I was not sure if I could still wade to and from the Zandmotor. But to my astonishment I could make my dry crossing. Although not much time remained before returning. The scenery at the surf was different from yesterday’s.There were a few kite surfers out on sea. For an unknown reason they did not stay there making their tracks. But as you see they left the surf and walked over the peninsula to the laguna waters. Not a very usual sight: walkers keeping their moons in the sky.

I would have loved to stay and sit down on the sandbar, but time was pressing to cross back. After returning on the beach, I took my time to relax and breathe. Feeling the relief after the ongoing work at rearranging things, getting the audiovisual technicalities in good order, I turned around a few times. Like in the beginning of a dance. I could feel the turn of a dervish dance. But unfortunately it got lost under the pressure of the remaining tasks for the afternoon.

There seems no end and every day you may wrestle to find back the refreshing winds of freedom. To feel the real spirit blow your hair apart, to let you feel your wings albeit for a flash of a moment. Too soon a memory again but nevertheless part of the real goodness in your existence. It must be some similar experience to that of todays kite walkers: keeping that kite moon high on the line. Look up and around you, poor self-complainer, there is no limit to that blue sky. This little dance is lifting you up, in case your soul-wings feel too weak for the Real Jump.

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