A new bird to my list

I did nt get my frosty blip as the decking was covered in ice and the frost out the front was nt that thick to make a good photo.
Fog hung low over the Firth but we were lucky to be in the sun as it rose above the low cloud.

I was surprised to see two jays feeding on the acorns today. I spotted a bird fly into the tree and almost ignored it as the wood pigeons and crows have been taking their fair share but it looked different so out came the binoculars and ,yes, it was a jay. The first one I have seen here. I really like them, such great colours to their plumage so I hope they stay.

The male sparrow hawk also visited today and very nearly had a blackbird. It had it in it's grasp but it did manage to get away. Not sure how badly injured it was but hopefully it will be ok. I always feel guilty if it catches a bird from the garden.

Off to the cinema tonight to see Interstellar an action adventure film set in space.

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