By AlAinL

Big Dig, Tall Stories

This is the third building I will watch being built from scratch from one of my windows.

Step one: Demolish the old building.

Step two: Drill with a massive screwdriver-shaped drill.

Step three: Scoop up rubble after ten pm to create maximum disturbance to drowsy sleepers (earth-carrying trucks not allowed on the roads before 10pm).

Step four: Lay the foundations (plenty of concrete needed here).

Step five: Build storey by storey: including using vertical pipes, which make a metallic clang when you knock em down, and filling with concrete, which involves a queue of cement mixers at dawn... And a sort of wooshing hydraulic pump to get the cement from the source up into the sky and onto the new floor of the building.

Step six: Paint and Bob's your unc!

This one is at the rubble-just-having-been-cleared stage. They are starting on the foundations.

I can tell you how to build a road, too! I've watched one being done from the wiindow (of my first flat) ; )

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