
We disembarked at 8.30am, found our suitcases, on board the coach by 9am, as were the other 33 people, then we waited for over an hour for the final 2 passengers!

The disembarkation procedure is very slick, the day before departure, you are given colour coded luggage labels, on which you write your name, cabin no. and a phone number. You then put your cases outside your cabin door before 1am, go to bed and during the night your cases are taken away and put in large containers, ready to be off loaded in Valencia. You have to vacate your cabin by 8am and at 8.15 am assemble in the theatre. All those people with Yellow luggage tags disembarked 1st. Our luggage was in a large hall, so it was easy, pick up your suitcase, find your coach, then off we go.

We never did find out why this German couple delayed us by over an hour, they got on the coach, no apology or explanation, sat at the back and never spoke a word.

You can imagine the driver of the coach and the courier were not happy, as they had left Torreveija at 5am to be at the Port for 8am, they would not be getting home until early evening because of the delay.

We eventually arrived home at 3pm.

Unpacked, 1st load of washing in the machine, home made chicken curry for tea, watched the 2 episodes of Downton Abbey that I had recorded, then bed.

This is a piece of Mdina glass, bought in Malta, the candle inside is citronella, loely lemony smell.

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