
By Valerie1940

The invisible war memorial.

'Invisible?' you say - 'I can see it clearly'
You can see a memorial - but it was only erected in 2000 as a millennium project.
The original war memorial was paid for by public subscription in 1919 and the public voted to decide what form it should take - a statue, a bandstand, a garden? No, none of these. It is in the church - but invisible.
As I have mentioned before, I did a creative writing course, as part of which I had to write poetry.
This is one poem I wrote which explains all

We do forget

No bird-spattered statue standing atop
a traffic clogging monument here.
To remember our dead, a clock
on the church tower and its chimes
are our memorial to the fallen.
Every fifteen minutes, day and night, ding dong,
ding dong, echoes of Big Ben. Then, on the hour,
the pause - before the longer, slower, louder ‘Bong’
brings to mind scenes of battles, wasted youth,
poppies, parades, silence in November gloom.
Those who hear by day or in dead of night
those chimes, may pause and give silent thanks
for those who left to fight, never to return.
They slept too long, too soon, that we may wake.


Even the clock is not visible in the photo - it's on the other side of the tower - facing the village centre.

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