Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Proud as a peanut

It has been a cold wet Saturday the rain started around lunch time and has not stopped since . I managed only a few minutes out before the rain started.

I first spotted this crow on a roof top and tried to get him to come down with a peanut . At first I did not have much success however once he realized it was throwing peanuts and the squirrels came running he figured he better investigate. He grabbed the first peanut and flew back up. By then a few more crows had shown up to see what was going on. I tossed another peanut and this crow picked it up and walked around with it in his beak like he was showing off. I did not stick around any longer as the rain started to fall harder .

Off to Niagara Falls tomorrow afternoon for the night hope it is not too cold .

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