the tiniest pink...


i didn't mean to - honest - i was going to take - a break from pink today - then it happened

i was out walking - enjoying a sunny day - taking a quick fresh air inhale - from indoor tasks - looking for something to post - i thought i'd found it - when suddenly - i saw it - the tiniest pink - how, i ask - do you pass that up? - i submit - you cannot - when, after all these months now - i have been on a quest - to find pink in nature - to see what i can see - i simply can't walk - away from it now - no matter how much - i might believe i - need a break - or think you all - may need a break as well - or may be getting tired of - seeing pink things of nature in - my journal - it has come to represent - a part of me - a type of resiliency - i can't ignore - like it's making a statement

and so it goes - this tiny set of leaves - hanging together on the branch - coupled in a 2-some - to keep company with each other - 'cuz that's what nature does - makes sure to - take care of its own - that, too, is what's making for...


happy day.....

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