Bear behaving badly and his groomer.
Bear ( man in mask) said to myself and Tits McGee this evening 'so when are we having our threesome then ' ..... I must have looked really bewildered as he went on to say 'don't tell me you have forgotten ' ? Well yes,yes I had ... I don't remember offering Bear sex with myself and Tits McGee .... Bear then went on to say about which tune from the film Grease were we doing to sing.. AHHH HAA ! The penny dropped ,I had indeed offered him a cameo in one of Tits and mine sing a longs we put up on line every so often ...
With that all cleared up I put my clothes* back on and we went to a party and I took some family snaps and then left.
In this blip is Wee groomey groomerson who is also Bears other half and Pepés dog groomer .... Groomey and filthy bear are indeed friends,you can tell this by my abusive behaviour x
*I did not really remove my clothes,I am too lazy for that.
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