
By Isabel

London view...

Off to Nassau on what should have been a simple 2 flight journey... didn't work out that way...
Flight from Glasgow delayed... BA knew the previous night that the flight would have to be delayed to allow the crew the statutory break time but didn't bring in a relief crew...
We arrived at Gatwick at 10.00 am just in time (we thought!) to catch our 10.30 flight to Nassau... no! We had been "offloaded"... (In similar circumstances, TAP had sent a little bus to take us from one aircraft to another but not so BA).
We were put on another flight to Miami... that flight was delayed... we worried about missing our connecting flight to Nassau... we needn't have worried - the Nassau flight was hours delayed... We finally got to Nassau at 1.00 am the following day.... we should have been there by 15.00 hours the previous day .... I had phoned to warn them we would be late and was told our key would be left at the security gate. The security guard had no key and had never heard of us but kindly allocated us a room for the night anyway...We were very grateful to get to bed at last! And the resort looked lovely!

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